Leucorrhoea is a thick, whitish or yellowish vaginal discharge. It is the most commonly experienced condition of women of reproductive age. Women experiencing vaginal discharge, at first instance, feel very embarrassed and worried as to why they are suffering from this problem. Though majority of the women fear and think of it as a disease, usually it is a sign of just an infection. It is normal to experience vaginal discharge few days before menarche (before a woman starts on her periods for the first time), just before periods and during a sexual fantasy or sexual stimulation. Some amount of discharge is normal and essential for vaginal lubrication. However, the amount of discharge may increase due to vaginal infections and may come and go from time to time.
This condition can be quite embarrassing if characterised by foul-smelling vaginal discharge. Leucorrhoea can often be a pointer to various gynaecological conditions and infertility, and hence requires evaluation and treatment.